Jul 2023
Public Statement
It has come to our attention that a company using the name 中信泰富(杭州)有限公司(in pingyin: Zhong Xin Tai Fu (Hangzhou) You Xian Gong Si) has been distributing project reports on the market recently. CITIC Pacific Limited hereby declares that the above mentioned company is falsely and illegally using the trademark of CITIC Pacific. It has no association or relationship of any kind with CITIC Pacific or its subsidiaries.
In addition, we have become aware of that an individual with the name of Xuefeng is claiming to be an employee of CITIC Pacific on LinkedIn. CITIC Pacific declares that Ma Xuefeng is not and has never been an employee of CITIC Pacific or CITIC Pacific’s subsidiaries.
CITIC Pacific reserves all rights in relation to this matter.